What We Do
Programs and resources that inspire, mobilize, and improve access for people to conserve, sustainably use, and develop a deeper connection with our public lands
giving back together
At NEEF, we seek to cultivate an environmentally conscious and responsible public by providing opportunities for all Americans to give back to their local public lands through volunteer service.
In addition to National Public Lands Day, the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort for public lands, our programs and initiatives inspire and mobilize everyday Americans to help conserve, sustainably utilize, and develop a deeper connection with our public lands.

Recovery and Healing on Public Lands

On September 28, 2024, over 50,000 participants rolled up their sleeves and pitched in at more than 750 volunteer events volunteers across America to celebrate the 31st annual NPLD.

The 2022 NPLD event in Great Smoky Mountains National Park highlighted how being outdoors and volunteering on NPLD is beneficial to public lands and can positively affect our mental health.
Funding Opportunities and Outcomes
NEEF’s grants support projects dedicated to the restoration, resilience, and conservation of public lands. This includes projects that increase accessibility and diversity in these shared spaces and use them as outdoor classrooms for STEM and Environmental Education for people of all ages.
NEEF Conservation Grant Supports Biodiversity in the California Floristic Province
NEEF and Toyota funded $220,000 for biodiversity conservation in California's Floristic Province. Four...
Bay Area Nonprofit Drives Accessibility on Public Lands Thanks to NEEF Grant
We spoke with Bonnie Lewkowicz about how she used NEEF grant funding to increase access to sports and outdoor...
Public Land Engagement Resources
Community Cleanup Activity Guide
This quick how-to guide will get you started with everything you need to conduct a community cleanup to help...
Inspiring Environmental Connection in Youth through Outdoor Exploration and Service
This webinar offers valuable insights on hosting impactful National Public Lands Day events for youth. It...
Recruiting and Engaging Volunteers for National Public Lands Day Events: Strategies for Success
Our experts from Texas A&M University, BLM, and Saguaro Park discuss effective strategies for recruiting and...
Engaging Spanish-speaking Communities in the Outdoors
Part of the Nature for All Webinar Series, Felipe Benitez, Executive Director & Founder of Corazón Latino...
Conservation Stories
Check out the stories below to learn more about NEEF's conservation programs and initiatives.
Want to partner with us? Contact our team.
How To Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your Outdoor Gear
July is National Park and Recreation Month—a time to celebrate the benefits of your local parks and favorite...
Local nonprofit helps Colorado community heal from wildfire devastation through environmental stewardship
It was like something out of an old John Ford Western: on the morning of June 1, 2018, a coal-fired locomotive...
Increasing Accessibility Makes the Outdoors Open for All
July 26 marks the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which has made a huge impact for...