
Climate Mental Health

Supporting healthy and safe engagement with student mental health needs due to climate change in K-12 schools

Research To Address Youth Climate-Mental Health in US K-12 Schools

The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), the University of California, Berkeley, and the Climate Mental Health Network are collaborating on a research study of middle school teachers to learn more about student emotions related to climate change, and what resources would help educators respond to and support those reactions in their classrooms.

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IRB Approval #2022-10-15699

This study is currently in progress and we are no longer accepting new participants.

Middle School Teacher
Teacher in front of classroom of students
Climate Mental Health Study Partners' logos: Climate Mental Health Network, NEEF, University of California Museum of Paleontology, Leidos, and Robert H. N. Ho Foundation

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Explore the ways climate can affect your mental and physical health.

New Funding to Address Youth Climate-Mental Health in US K-12 Schools

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