When is Allergy Season?
Allergies are one of the most common chronic health conditions worldwide. Find out how to get prepared for...
Do You Know Where Your Water Comes From?
Groundwater is an important source of drinking water for over 145 million Americans. Celebrate National...
Shining the Spotlight on Women in STEM
Check out our collection of online educational resources for Women's History Month, a celebration of the vital...
Showing 21 - 30 of 145 results
Discover the impact of marine debris and plastic pollution on oceans, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Learn about solutions and educational resources for
Spring is in the air! Grasses are growing and flowers are blooming, and whether you’re new to the gardening game or your thumb has long been green, you’re
A recap of the most popular articles and resources from the 2022 editions of our monthly NEEF Connect online newsletter.
Celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day as we spotlight the significance of Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts, and Math education. Explore the 'Greening STEM' approach
2023 Update: These positions have been filled. Ready to put your environmental education skills to work at a national park? For the 2022-2023 school year, NEEF
Is an Outdoor Career for You? If you have a passion for the environment and want to protect it for the next generation, a job in the outdoors might be for you
Fat Bear Week, a popular event celebrating bear survival and Alaska's Bristol Bay ecosystem, teaches environmental education during the annual salmon run
Now in its fourth year, Climate Superstars is an online environmental challenge that gets kids excited about how they can take an active role in caring for the
Biodiversity is important to human health because it supports physical, mental, and spiritual health and social well-being. Learn how NEEF supports biodiversity
Nothing says summer like a family trip to the beach. The air of anticipation as everyone piles into the car with their bathing suits and beach towels and you
Showing 21 - 30 of 145 results