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Spring is in the air! Grasses are growing and flowers are blooming, and whether you’re new to the gardening game or your thumb has long been green, you’re
Learn about the environmental justice (EJ) movement and the Office of Environmental Justice established at the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Food waste is the largest component of US landfills at 24%—more than plastic, metal, and glass. When food ends up in landfills, it contributes to the third
The pandemic put Halloween on hiatus. However, many of the adaptations we made are still useful and provide opportunities to green-up this haunted holiday in
More than half of the contiguous United States is experiencing extremely dry conditions or drought. Many central and western states are feeling the impacts
This Halloween, give your pumpkins a second life! Reduce food waste and promote sustainability by turning your decorative pumpkins into delicious meals.
Discover how climate shifts impact residential electricity use, with rising temperatures driving up cooling demands and reshaping energy consumption patterns.
Does weather affect your Thanksgiving meal? You bet! From wild turkey survival to the life cycle of the apples in your pie, weather conditions have a big impact
Winter weather can bring snow, sleet, freezing rain, and ice to your doorstep. City, county, and state governments are typically responsible for keeping public
What makes a successful grant? Tips to help nonprofits and community organizations improve their environmental education and conservation grant applications for