Who We Are


Chartered by Congress to build effective public-private partnerships, NEEF is harnessing the power of collaboration to make the environment more accessible, relatable, relevant, and connected to people's daily lives.

We're Here to Make a Difference

Established by the National Environmental Education Act (NEEA) in 1990, NEEF has over three decades of experience in cultivating an environmentally conscious and responsible public.

Here is how we made a difference in 2021.


NEEF raises $3 for every dollar of NEEA funding it receives


The number of people NEEF’s programs reached in 2021


Funding communities
icon of money bag with seedling growing out of it

Funding Communities

We mobilize public and private funding to support community-based projects and respond to critical and emerging needs in the fields of K-12 education, public land conservation, and health.

increasing competence
Laptop sitting on top of books

Increasing Competency

We promote environmental literacy and behavior change among groups such as public lands managers, health professionals, educators, and corporate employees, who then share this information with their own constituents and communities.

supporting diversity
Green and blue person with hands raised hold a maroon person up in a triangle formation

Supporting Diversity

We partner with educators, public lands groups, environmental organizations, local communities, and others who share our mission of making the environment more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


Total Grant Funds Awarded in 2021
Value of Service Completed on National Public Lands Day (NPLD) and Through NEEF Grant-Funded Projects
Value of Volunteer Service for Every Grant Dollar NEEF Provides
Photo of women restoring prairie on public lands

Restoration & Resilience Fund

NEEF established the Restoration & Resilience Fund as a rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund distributed resources and mobilized volunteers to public lands sites throughout the country.

The reductions in staff, volunteers, and resources left land managers and volunteer organizations ill-equipped to keep up with increased human presence in our parks, forests, and waterways.



Miles of Trail Restored or Maintained


Pounds of Trash Collected


Square Feet of Invasive Species Removed

Organizations like ours really depend on these funds to keep going.

Amanda Kuenzi, Mountain Studies Institute, Colorado


NEEF restoration and resilience grant fund story map

See Our StoryMap

Greening STEM

NEEF’s Greening STEM model engages students at high need schools in hands-on environmental investigations in their communities making STEM relevant and connected to students’ daily lives.

Students from Central High School take their Advanced Placement Environmental Science class outside to make the textbooks come alive.

89% of the schools served by Greening STEM grants receive federal Title I funds

Educators reported increased confidence in:

Educator Outcomes
Greening STEM educator outcomes



NEEF's Children’s Environmental Health Series focused on the impact of environmental factors on children’s health and well-being. The 3-day event engaged medical and public health professionals in discussions that explored prominent issues affecting marginalized people and presented evidence-based methods for integrating best practices.

Participant Knowledge Gain

As a maternal and infant community health nurse, this information is critically important to my work and the families I serve. I would like to see more education and training in this area of practice.



photo iheart radio logo with NEEF
NEEF & iHeart Radio Team Up

NEEF & iHeart partnered to create a series of Public Service Announcements and a website dedicated to sustainability actions. The iHeartEarth campaign launched on Earth Day 2020 and has been running since.

467 Million 

Number of iHeartRadio impressions in 2021

Amplify Your Impact

Meaningful, lasting change is possible when we work together. NEEF leverages its National Environmental Education Act (NEEA) appropriation to raise public and private matching funds at a ratio of 3:1, creating value and amplifying the impact of our partners.

Become a NEEF Partner

Reaching Further

NEEF's resources help make the environment more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. 

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