What We Do

K-12 Education

NEEF partners with organizations to reach a national audience of students with environmental education activities that develop a deeper sense of environmental stewardship

educating & empowering youth

Environmental education is vital for equipping youth with skills for the future. It enhances their understanding of the environment while fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and community awareness. NEEF’s programs and resources support environmental educators in both formal and non-formal settings.

Lightbulb with small plant growing inside
Greening STEM
A teaching approach that embraces hands-on, place-based education as a key to better learning outcomes and a deeper sense of environmental stewardship
Plant with electric plug on the other end
Climate Superstars
Standards-aligned lessons that teach students about climate change, energy efficiency, and sustainability
Tablet showing plant. Hand points to tablet.
EE Resources
Activities and resources tailored for educators, citizen scientists, and more! NEEF empowers communities through environmental education

Greening STEM in Action

NEEF's K-12 education work is guided by our Greening STEM approach, which provides young people with unforgettable experiences through impactful, hands-on, experiential learning opportunities in their communities.

Greening STEM: Colorado River

NEEF partnered with the Bureau of Land Management and the Colorado Canyons Association for a Greening STEM project along the Colorado River.

Greening STEM: Teaneck Creek

NEEF partnered with Teaneck Creek Conservancy and Benjamin Franklin Middle School in Teaneck, NJ, to engage students in a water quality monitoring project at their local watershed.

NEEF's EE in Focus Newsletter logo
email in front of computer

EE in Focus Newsletter Sign Up

Our monthly Environmental Education (EE) newsletter keeps educators updated on grants, resources, and professional development opportunities.

Educator Resources

Get Dirty! Learning Expedition Toolkit

This guide is designed to assist in planning an instructive and memorable outing that incorporates best...

Rooted in Math Educator Toolkit

This educator toolkit contains lesson plans, activity ideas, and informational resources to help you continue...

Surrounded by Science Educator Toolkit

NEEF has compiled this collection of lesson plans and curriculum guides to help educators introduce students...

Engineering a Sustainable World Educator Toolkit

This free educator toolkit contains free lesson plans, activities, and resources for teaching engineering...

Mother with children outside pointing at a log
Environmental Education Activities

These fun and informational environmental education activities are designed to get children and adults outside and involved in nearby nature —at school, home, or anywhere in between.

Environmental Education Stories

Environmental education encompasses a wide range of activities that help individuals understand and appreciate the natural world, such as engaging in citizen science activities, spending time outdoors, and participating in hands-on learning experiences. 

Benefits of Environmental Education

Explore the transformative benefits of Environmental Education, from academic excellence to increased...

Explore Career Opportunities in Environmental Science

Learn how a background in STEM and a passion for the outdoors can prepare you for a career in environmental...

One Crabby Family: How an Educator Used Citizen Science to Bring Her Family Closer Together

Nothing says summer like a family trip to the beach. The air of anticipation as everyone piles into the car...

Explore our programs