Thousands of people throughout the United States will explore parks and public lands by bicycle on the same day—Bike Your Park Day on Saturday, September 23. September 23 is also National Public Lands Day, the largest single-day volunteer effort for America's public lands. It's possible—and easy—to participate in Bike Your Park Day AND volunteer for a stewardship project, from trail maintenance to tree planting, on the same day.

It's All Free
First things first. Register for Bike Your Park Day at BikeYourParkDay.org and National Public Lands Day at neefusa.org/npld. It's free to register your ride and service project or sign up to participate in an existing ride or volunteer project. Bonus: It's also free to enter most parks and public lands on September 28!
How Can I Participate in Bike Your Park Day and National Public Lands Day?
In order to be part of both initiatives you must volunteer any amount of time to help with a service project, and ride your bike any distance to or through parks and public lands.
Two Ways to Participate
- Ride your bike to and from the service project. This is a carbon neutral way to participate in both initiatives.
- Bring your bike with you to the service project (via your vehicle or train or bus) and go for a ride in the park when you're finished volunteering.
Sometimes organizers of the projects will provide snacks or lunch to help fuel you. You'll be thankful for the extra snacks, especially if you are riding your bike.
Remind Me Again, What Is Bike Your Park Day?
Your Bike Your Park Day ride can be just a few miles on a paved bike path, roads, or on a mountain bike trail. You can drive to the park and ride through it if that's what works for you. Or make it a longer ride from your house. Ride with family, friends, by yourself, or open up your ride to the public. Ride to or within a national park, state park, recreation area, wildlife refuge, parkway, or even a monument or historic site in an urban area. Adventure Cycling Association is the organization behind Bike Your Park Day and has support from the National Park Service and the Association of State Park Directors to inspire people to explore their parks and public lands by bicycle.
September 28 is YOUR day to give back to your parks and public lands and enjoy exploring them from the seat of a bicycle.