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No importa donde usted vive, lo más probable es que hay un humedal cerca. Los humedales mejoran la calidad del agua, ofrecen protección contra las inundaciones
Explore the phenomenon of ocean acidification and its effects on marine life. Learn how increased CO2 emissions are altering ocean pH levels and impacting
Did You Know? More than 80% of earth's marine life is migrating to different places and changing their breeding and feeding patterns due to warming waters
Los siete mares no son tan dispares como los primeros exploradores pudieron haber pensado. Cada uno de estos cuerpos de agua se conectan a través de una
Explore the rapid rise of global sea levels and its impacts on coastal communities. Learn about projections and risks associated with climate change.
An energetic undercurrent roils the waters of the rivers of the northwestern United States. The coho salmon have made their prodigal return to reproduce in the
Cada dí­a en los Estados Unidos, alrededor de 27,4 mil millones de galones de agua son sacados y movidos de las aguas superficiales y aguas subterraneas para
Honk honk! Make way for waterfowl! This summer, you may have noticed waterfowl (geese, ducks, and swans) taking up residence in local parks, neighborhoods
Found on every continent save Antarctica, wetlands come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes—and hydrological, ecological and geological conditions! Across the