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More than half of the contiguous United States is experiencing extremely dry conditions or drought. Many central and western states are feeling the impacts
Understanding the earth's water cycle can help us understand how a warming climate will intensify droughts and floods. A main contributor to the intensity of a
Are you looking for ways to inspire your students both inside and outside the classroom to learn about the environment and become stewards of our essential
Each day in the United States, about 27.4 billion gallons of water are withdrawn and delivered from surface water and groundwater sources for residential use
Global CO2 emissions in April 2020 decreased 17% compared to one year before, and NASA satellite imaging showed significant reductions in air pollution over
The coastlines of North America are home to a diverse array of animal and plant life, each one as unique as the individual ecosystems that support them. Even
Scientists estimate that over 8 million tons of plastic enter our oceans each year. While we have all seen the plastic bottles, bags, and straws that contribute
Do you know where your drinking water comes from? If you're not sure, you're not alone. We take a quick dive into where our water comes from and how we can help
Whether you find yourself with five seconds, five minutes, or five hours to take part in the movement, here are some ways to help keep our waters trash free
During this unprecedented time of social distancing, spending more time at home has likely caused your household water usage to increase, affecting both your