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How can you tell that spring is on its way? Whether you're holding out for the first sighting of a robin, crocuses blooming where there once was snow, or buds
Toyota’s Rick Vernon has headed up NPLD efforts for his division every year since 2005. Here are some of his tips for a successful event.
Squids, cuttlefish, octopi—these sea creatures, known as cephalopods, are famous for their association with sea monsters, their supposed intelligence, and as
On Sunday, February 4, the Philadelphia Eagles and the New England Patriots hit the field at US Bank Stadium to go head-to-head in the Super Bowl. Before one of
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners. To
Las poblaciones de abejas de miel en los Estados Unidos agregan más de $15 mil millones en valor a los cultivos agrícolas cada año a través de la polinización
A changing climate affects how much energy is produced, delivered, and consumed in the United States. Changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level, and the
El cambio climático afecta a la calidad y cantidad de agua en los ríos de Estados Unidos. Los cambios observados y proyectados en la intensidad de la
Futuros aumentos en el consumo de electricidad y las temperaturas Las temperaturas globales mensuales y anuales han aumentado desde los 1900. Con proyecciones
Extreme weather is one of the main ways the public experiences climate change, and TV meteorologists are sometimes the only scientists Americans see on a