Showing 101 - 110 of 137 results
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A large body of fully vetted scientific research provides compelling evidence that solar output from our Sun is not a major factor in causing the global
Pumpkin pies, has a big impact on the availability of our favorite fall squash. Whether the weather is wet and soggy, hot and dry, or
More than 97% of climate scientists have concluded human-caused climate change is happening. Get answers to common questions about climate change and find out
Learn about the alarming rise in wildfires and their impact on public health and the environment. Discover how sustainability measures can mitigate this growing
¿Sabías qué…? La tasa actual de cambio en pH del océano es casi 50 veces más rápido que tasas históricas de cambio conocidas. Científicos estiman que a la tasa
¿Sabías qué? Desde 1880, el nivel global del mar ha aumentado cerca de 8 pulgadas. Los cientí­ficos esperan que el nivel global del mar aumente entre 1 a 4 pies
Los cambios en nuestro clima están aumentando el riesgo y la frecuencia de las inundaciones para las comunidades costeras en los Estados Unidos. El aumento del
Imagine an animal about the size of three school buses parked end-to-end, with a weight roughly equivalent to 40 elephants, migrating south for the winter. This
Honey bee populations in the United States add more than $15 billion in value to agricultural crops each year through pollination. Due to human influences
¿Sabías? El humo de incendios de maleza o fuegos forestales causa cientos de miles de muertes anualmente debido a infecciones respiratorias y cardiovasculares