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When autumn rolls around, it provides a relief from the summer heat with cooler temperatures and beautiful colors from changing leaves. Those colorful leaves
Los desechos marinos son cualquier basura u otro material sólido que termina en los océanos y en las costas, tales como filtros de cigarrillos, botellas, y
Rain gardens are a visually pleasing way to absorb and filter pollutants from rainwater before the water runs off into storm drains and local water bodies. Rain
Planning to hit the sands this summer? Beach pollution could jeopardize many Americans' vacation plans—there were more than 12,000 closings and swimming
During National Pollinator Week, support pollinators by planting a variety of native blooms and create habitats for bees and hummingbirds.
May is National Bike Month. Try cycling to work or school just one day this month. Research has shown that the length of about half of all car trips—three miles
The average American family can waste more than 10,000 gallons of water every year from easy-to-fix household leaks. That's the amount of water it takes to wash
Discover the world of river otters—champions of sustainability in North American waterways. Learn their vital role and how to protect their habitats
There has been a push in recent years for Americans to make the switch to phosphate-free detergents, soaps, and household cleaners. By 2010, 17 states banned
Team jersey? Check. Chips and dip? Check. Eleven hundred and sixty-two solar panels, a 27,000 square-foot green roof, and an extensive plumbing network that