Showing 31 - 40 of 41 results
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Trees are vital to the health of not only all forest ecosystems, but the health of the entire planet. They provide oxygen, filter pollutants, and offer shade on
Christine Voyer manages a science education and invasive species citizen science program called Vital Signs out of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in
Did You Know? The number of long-distance trips increase by about 54% during the Thanksgiving travel period. 90% of Thanksgiving travelers use automobiles to
Evidence resulting from sophisticated “bookkeeping” and “fingerprinting” research techniques convinces the scientific community that it is “extremely likely”
Are you looking for more ways to incorporate technology into your classroom? Project Learning Tree recommends some educational apps that include stand-alone
While energy can be a complicated topic, kids need to understand the concept of energy, how it works, and the role it plays in the world around them. Tap into
Is your moisturizer with SPF offering enough protection from the sun? Does a "base tan" help prevent further skin damage in the summer season? Read on to answer
With the growing rally to ban plastic straws, this “movement” helps shine the spotlight on the bigger issue of plastic pollution. While restaurants, theme parks
About NPLD What is National Public Lands Day (NPLD)? When is NPLD? What has NPLD accomplished? What is the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)
NEEF's Resolve to Save calendar is full of tips and strategies for saving money, conserving resources, and minimizing your environmental impact along the way.