Showing 41 - 49 of 49 results
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Use this activity guide to learn more about how you can identify invasive plant species in your area as well as their native, environmentally-beneficial…

This activity guide teaches students about the important role biodiversity plays in the well-being of people and the planet. In addition to an outdoor…

This activity guide teaches students about the impacts of stormwater runoff on the environment, and includes instructions for building your own rain gauge and…

This educator toolkit contains lesson plans, activity ideas, and informational resources to help you continue to bridge the gap between mathematics and the…

Use this activity guide to learn more and explore the topic of water quality, including building your own mini water cycle!

Young explorers can follow the activities on this pollinator worksheet at school or at home to monitor what types of pollinators they see and learn how to…

This free educator toolkit contains free lesson plans, activities, and resources for teaching engineering through the lens of environmental education.

NEEF has compiled this collection of lesson plans and curriculum guides to help educators introduce students to some of the many ways they can discover more of…

The Children’s Environmental Health Network’s Putting it into Practice: Pediatric Environmental Health Training Resource is designed to assist health care…