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NEEF's guides, created with NPS and USFS, offer strategies and tips for successful environmental education and wellness events on public lands, focusing on…

These guidelines aim to integrate environmental management of asthma into pediatric health care and outlines competencies in environmental health relevant to…

Questionnaires to screen for health conditions associated with environmental exposures.

Asthma Intake form to help identify environmental triggers for children already diagnosed with asthma. Available in Spanish, Arabic, Simplified Chinese,…

NEEF is committed to supporting grant applicants in their budgeting process by providing a user-friendly budget template in Microsoft Excel format. This…

Este formulario ofrece cuestionarios que evalúan las condiciones de salud asociadas con las exposiciones ambientales.

Este formulario tiene como objetivo ayudar a identificar posibles desencadenantes ambientales para niños ya diagnosticados con asma.

El Manejo Ambiental del Asma Pediátrica-Guías para el Personal de Salud tienen como objetivo integrar la gestión ambiental del asma en la atención médica…

This resource provides additional follow-up questions and intervention solutions for environmental asthma triggers.

Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, people of any age who have serious underlying conditions might be at higher risk for severe…