English Ivy Removal 2024, Pulling Together Trinidad 2024
We are hoping to solicit help from volunteers/community members to engage in invasive plant removal at three locations: Trinidad Coastal Land Trust property (Site: TBD) Trinidad Rancheria Sue Meg State Park

In-Person Event
located at Trinidad Coastal Land Trust and Trinidad Head

Event Address:

Latitude: 41.0620
Longitude: -124.1412

Casey Hague
BLM - Arcata Field Office Outdoor Recreation Planer
(707) 825-2322
Event details

Here at TCLT (partnering with Trinidad Racheria and State Parks), we are planning a massive Ivy Pull/Stewardship Day. Crystal is copied here so maybe she can fill you in at the BLM office in person.


September 14th from around 8am-3pm.

We are hoping to solicit help from volunteers/community members to engage in invasive plant removal at three locations:
Trinidad Coastal Land Trust property (Site: TBD)
Trinidad Rancheria
Sue Meg State Park

Afterwards, we are hoping to throw a "party" at Trinidad Town Hall with a silent auction, live music and some food. There will also be interpretive tables.

Additional event information
Intended audience(s)
Event Details
Volunteer Activities
Educational Activities
Estimated Number of Participants