Become a Partner

Partner With NEEF

Together, we can make meaningful, lasting change that improves people's lives and the health of the planet

NEEF partners with respected organizations from both the public and private sectors to advance environmental education and engagement in the United States. 

Our dynamic, turnkey approach to partnering with like-minded institutions supports our work as we scale our collective impact to:

  • Diversify the future STEM workforce while building a youth conservation ethic
  • Welcome all types of visitors to public lands 
  • Address environmental health disparities for vulnerable populations
  • Motivate and enable people of all ages to learn about/understand and care for the environment 

Our mission: To make the environment more accessible, relatable, relevant, and connected to the daily lives of all Americans

Fundraising ratio
Graphic with NEEF's fundraising ratio, 3 to 1.

Who Partners with NEEF?

Two hands hold globe up


Advancing corporate CSR and ESG goals and positively impacting employees, their community, and the public.


Heart being held in hand


Strengthening NEEF's capacity to provide impactful and innovative programs that support foundation objectives.

Green and blue person with hands raised hold a maroon person up in a triangle formation

 Government Agencies

Sharing credible knowledge, technical assistance, and financial resources to foster public-private partnerships nationally.

Three trees
Talk To Our Team

We would be glad to craft a mutually beneficial partnership that incorporates direct program support, regranting, engagement campaigns or employee volunteer opportunities to make a lasting positive impact on peoples lives and the health of the planet.


NEEF is proud to have been evaluated and honored by the following organizations.

Candid platinum transparency seal 2023

Charity navigator four star charity logo

Partner Highlights


Toyota is committed to getting more Americans out on federal, state, and community public lands, and...

New Funding to Address Youth Climate-Mental Health in US K-12 Schools

CMHN & NEEF receive a $100k grant to aid teachers in guiding students through climate emotions, fostering age...

Greening STEM Project Gives Students Hands-On Outdoor Experience

Seventh grade students from Bettendorf Middle School in the Quad Cities are spending two weeks restoring and...