Environmental Intervention Guidelines and Patient Handouts
Jan 19, 2023 / by ASkalmusky
Pediatrician with young patient blowing a pinwheel

The Environmental Intervention Guidelines and Patient Handouts packet was created as a companion piece to NEEF’s Environmental Management of Pediatric Asthma: Guidelines for Health Care Providers resource. It provides health care providers with additional follow-up questions and intervention solutions for environmental asthma triggers.

The Environmental Intervention Guidelines and Patient Handouts packet contains:

This resource covers the following common environmental triggers for asthma:

  • Dust Mites and Asthma 
  • Animal Allergens and Asthma
  • Cockroach Allergen and Asthma
  • Mold/Mildew and Asthma
  • Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Asthma
  • Air Pollution and Asthma

Resource Type