Fee Free Days Provide Free Admission to National Parks and More

Several federal land management agencies announced fee-free days for 2025, including National Public Lands Day (NPLD) on September 27. A "fee-free day" is when forests, parks, refuges, and rangelands across the US offer free admission or waive the standard amenity fee for visitors, making it a great option to get outdoors on a budget.
In addition to NPLD, federal holidays like Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Veterans Day are designated as free entrance days at many Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and US Forest Service lands. There are also additional fee-free days specific to agencies, such as National Get Outdoors Day, held the second Saturday in June.
2025 Fee-Free Days on Federally Managed Public Lands
Bureau of Land Management
- January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day
- July 16 - BLM’s Birthday
- August 4 - Great American Outdoors Day
- September 27 - National Public Lands Day
- November 11 - Veterans Day
National Park Service
- January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- April 19 - First day of National Park Week
- June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day
- August 4 - Great American Outdoors Day
- September 27 - National Public Lands Day
- November 11 - Veterans Day
USDA Forest Service
- January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- June 14 - National Get Outdoors Day
- June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day
- September 27 - National Public Lands Day
- November 11 - Veterans Day
US Army Corps of Engineers
- January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- June 16 - US Army Corps of Engineers Birthday
- June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day
- September 27 - National Public Lands Day
- November 11 - Veterans Day
US Fish & Wildlife Service
- January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day
- September 27 - National Public Lands Day
- October 12 - First Sunday of National Wildlife Refuge Week
- November 11 - Veterans Day