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Unusually hot summer days have become more common in the United States. Here are a few ways to protect yourself from the extreme heat.
¿Vive usted en un área urbana? Si es así­ usted puede vivir en una “isla” - no una isla tropical, pero una isla de calor urbano. Una ciudad de un millón de
By 2030, the Atlanta BeltLine is expected to loop 22 miles of modern streetcar, 33 miles of multi-use trail, and 1,300 acres of parks. How? Public funding
Los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, como huracanes, inundaciones, sequías, temperaturas extremas e incendios forestales están ocurriendo con mayor frecuencia
While many people might feel as though they get a little blue when the days get shorter and the temperatures start to drop, these seasonal changes can actually
Brrr! When the temperature goes down outside, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves can take away the chill inside. Smoke from a crackling fire may smell good, but
NEEF partnered with the US Forest Service, Arbor Day Foundation, and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation to create a Nature Explore Classroom at the Lone
Discover the impact of air quality on public health and how climate change exacerbates respiratory issues. Take steps to improve indoor air quality and reduce
A vector-borne disease is one that is transmitted by a living organism between humans or from animals to humans. The most common in the United States are
Did You Know? Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children 7.5% of children in the US have asthma, 2.3% are Black or of Hispanic origin. Dampness and mold