Five Studies That Show How Spending Time in Nature Helps Veterans
Roughly one in four veterans say the transition back to civilian life was at least somewhat difficult...
Celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day with Environmental Education
Celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day as we spotlight the significance of Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts, and...
Nature Lovers Say “I Do” to a Wedding on National Public Lands Day
A Virginia couple took their love of volunteering on public lands to the next level by getting married on...
Showing 121 - 130 of 137 results
Snow-based recreation contributes $67 billion annually and supports over 900,000 jobs in the United States. As air temperatures continue to rise and the winter
¿Sabías que los Estados Unidos fue el primer país en crear un parque nacional? El parque nacional de Yellowstone, creado en 1872 por el presidente Ulysses S
Uncover the escalating threat of coastal flooding to millions of Americans and trillions of dollars in property. Take action to prepare for disasters and
The demand for water is expected to increase while supplies decrease due to a growing population and climate change. Learn about water use in the US and how to
¿Sabías? Los niños de 5-9 años tienen la mayor incidencia anual de la enfermedad de Lyme en los Estados Unidos. El Virus del Nido Occidental se ha observado en
While earning her bachelor’s of science degree in meteorology with a minor in math and a concentration in Hispanic marketing communications from Florida State
After his initial "flurry" of interest in the snowstorms that blanketed his home in the capital region when he was 10 years old, Samenow’s interests in extreme
¿SabÃas? El Águila Real se espera que pierda 41% de su área de reproducción actual para el año 2080. El Urogallo Mayor se espera que pierda 71% de su área de
A nivel mundial, alrededor del 30% de las especies de anfibios, incluyendo ranas, salamandras, y tritones, están en riesgo de extinción.
Showing 121 - 130 of 137 results