Insulating Your Water Heater
Feb 07, 2023 / by ASkalmusky
Picture of a water heater next to insulating wrap

NEEF teamed up with the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) to develop and distribute environmental education materials on residential energy efficiency, energy upgrades, and renewable energy.

Drafty, energy-inefficient homes can seem perfectly fine when conditions are moderate, and many homeowners don’t think much about doing a home energy upgrade despite the many health, comfort, and financial benefits. But improved home energy performance can jump to the top of the priority list during a heat wave or a cold snap, during a power outage, or when the prices of home heating fuels soar.

Check out this shareable graphic on Insulating Your Water Heater Tank. To download, right-click on it and select “Save image as” from the menu.

Picture of a water heater next to insulating wrap

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