Harmony for Health: Recording from Climate Week NYC 2024
Oct 16, 2024 / by ASkalmusky
Climate Week speakers smiling

Watch the recording from the National Environmental Education Foundation's (NEEF) impactful panel discussion at Climate Week 2024. Experts explored how the arts, music, and public health messaging come together to engage youth and raise awareness about climate change and health issues. The panel showcased collaborative efforts using creative arts to inspire action and deliver empowering messages in times of global challenges.

Panelists included Dr. Olajide Williams (Hip Hop Public Health), Dr. John Whyte (WebMD), AY Young (Battery Tour founder and UN Youth Ambassador), and NEEF CEO Sara Espinoza, and moderated by environmental justice expert Arielle V. King, the event revealed how creativity can break barriers and drive real-world change. Watch now and learn how we can inspire environmental awareness and health management through the power of collaboration.

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