NPLD Site Manager Guide: Wrap-Up
Wrap up your event in three easy steps:
- Thank volunteers and partners
- Submit your results
- Amplify your impact
Thanking Volunteers and Partners
However hectic an event can be, always reconnect with your leaders at the end of the day to address any issues, emphasize successes, and thank them for their work. Be aware that the perspective of the day from different locations is not always the same. Leaders in one group may be unaware of special visits, work accomplishments, or critical learning experiences that took place in other groups. One leader may feel that the project was a disappointment due to an isolated incident, while another leader may feel that the event was a complete success. Bring the day’s events together in a quick debriefing and make sure all your leaders leave the worksite putting any negatives into appropriate perspective and feeling proud of the day’s accomplishments.
Your agency, nonprofit, or corporate event partners are the first ones who should hear from you after the event. Even if you offered in-person acknowledgments during the event, be sure to send a quick email to key partner contacts that evening or (at the latest) the next business day, restating your appreciation for their involvement. If you have not already gathered the outcome data at the event, ask host partners for their best estimate of outcomes— square feet of invasive plants removed, pounds of litter collected, etc.
After the first quick thank-you, send another follow-up once you have links to share to the event photo album, blog post, or media coverage. Always offer to share full-resolution photos with the partner through Dropbox or some other means. Partners are ALWAYS looking for good photos and providing the files promptly goes a long way toward encouraging partners to pursue future NPLD events. Partners can be encouraged to use NPLD photos on their websites or in other promotional materials, as long as such images are attributed.
Providing volunteers with breakfast before the event and a lunch or snack after the event is a great way to show your appreciation for all their time and effort.
You can also print out these certificates to pass out after the event as a reward for a job well done.
NPLD Post-Event Survey
BE COUNTED! NPLD makes a big impact on our public lands, so make sure your event is included in the overall impact numbers. The deadline to complete the post-event survey is October 14, 2024.
Use this document to record the outcomes in the field and help you keep track of your volunteer successes. Then submit your results with our NPLD Post-Event Survey online.
Your input allows us to log your event outcomes and incorporate your successes into the broader story of national service during the annual NPLD celebration. The survey takes less than ten minutes and helps compile conservation data about your event to include in the overall impact report. Please make sure to fill it out!
The survey is available in two formats, Google Forms and Survey Monkey. Please use the one that you prefer:
Google Forms: https://forms.gle/3jvoTgFStkRxxZfq7
Survey Monkey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NPLD-2024-Post-Event
Amplify Your Impact
We want to see how you NPLD. The photos of your event are also essential! They tell the full story of the day and NEEF includes them in the NPLD final report, and for future event promotion. Don’t worry about editing or culling the best photos, sharing too much is always better than sharing too little! Please email a link to your photos to npld@neefusa.org
Share on social media and tag NEEF in your posts:
NPLD Facebook page - @nationalpubliclandsday
Facebook - @NEEFusa
Twitter - @NEEFusa
Instagram - @NEEFusa_org
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/neefusa
When you share outcomes promptly with NEEF, we include your event story in media coverage highlighting the impacts and successes of National Public Lands Day.