Health Professionals and Environmental Health Education Position Statement
Sep 23, 2015 / by admin
Health care professional with child and her mother

The Health Professionals and Environmental Health Education Position Statement calls for improvements in environmental health education for health professionals and recommends specific actions necessary to successfully incorporate environmental health information into their education and practice.

The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is securing endorsements for the Position Statement in order to raise awareness; motivate decision-makers; and secure commitments from key professional associations to support long-term institutional change so that health professionals are prepared to address health conditions associated with environmental exposures. 

The document is an outcome of NEEF's National Forum for the National Strategies for Health Care Providers, where over 100 leaders in medicine, nursing, and environmental health formed a national partnership committed to integrating environmental health into health care education and practice. NEEF developed the statement with the assistance of an advisory group of representatives of medical and nursing organizations, academicians, physicians, and nurses. 

The position statement is officially supported by 34 leading health care and public health organizations.

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