What is a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC)?
The US Department of Education's 21st Community Learning Center program supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools.
To be eligible for this funding opportunity, a NPS unit must partner with a 21st CCLC program that is within a 2-hour drive of the NPS program site.
How do I find a 21st CCLC program to work with?
For a list of 21st CCLC programs, visit https://y4y.ed.gov/21st-community-learning-center-sites. NEEF can assist in identifying 21st CCLC programs to partner with, contact Allison Hannahs (ahannahs[at]neefusa.org) for more information.
Can I work with a friend's group to develop and implement the project?
Yes, as long as the application is submitted by the NPS unit and has a 21st CCLC partner.
Can a friend's group serve as the fiscal agent for this project?
Yes. Use of a fiscal agent is recommended.
Do the application character limits include spaces?
Yes. When copying and pasting text into the online application be sure to verify all text is transferred.
Can programming occur over the summer?
No. All grant funded activities must occur during the school year.
Can funds be used to purchase food for student participants?
Per the National Parks Service, parks cannot purchase food themselves. If the NPS unit has submitted their application with a fiscal agent (such as a friends' group or cooperating association) to receive the funds, the partner can purchase food.