The better we understand the ecosystems and environments that protect our essential water resources, the more effectively we can take steps to protect them
Why Water Quality is important
Explore Water Quality stories to learn about the challenges facing communities across the country.
What is an Estuary?
More than 100 estuaries are located in the United States, providing habitat for wildlife and supporting...
Do You Know Where Your Water Comes From?
Groundwater is an important source of drinking water for over 145 million Americans. Celebrate National...
Droughts, Floods, and Water Vapor - Oh My!
Understanding the earth's water cycle can help us understand how a warming climate will intensify droughts and...

Stirring up the Seven Seas
Heading to the beach this summer? By riding the global ocean conveyor belt, that seawater that you're splashing in may have traveled the planet—and the seven seas—before arriving at your vacation spot, helping to support the global food chain on its way. Learn more about this deep-sea current.
Wetlands of the United States
Found on every continent save Antarctica, wetlands come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes—and hydrological...
Invasive Aquatic Species of the United States
Green crabs, zebra mussels, hydrilla, and Northern Snakehead—what do these organisms all have in common? Each...
Marshes, Estuaries, and Mangroves, Oh My!
The coastlines of North America are home to a diverse array of animal and plant life, each one as unique as...
Sea Level Rise
Explore the rapid rise of global sea levels and its impacts on coastal communities. Learn about projections...

Managing Household Water and Waste
Discover ways to reduce your household water consumption and minimize your impact on the environment, while keeping our waters clean and healthy for generations to come.
The Increasing Demand and Decreasing Supply of Water
The demand for water is expected to increase while supplies decrease due to a growing population and climate...
Trash Free Waters on Any Timeline
Whether you find yourself with five seconds, five minutes, or five hours to take part in the movement, here...
How Household Water Usage Affects Water Quality
During this unprecedented time of social distancing, spending more time at home has likely caused your...
Meaningful, lasting change is possible when we work together. NEEF leverages its National Environmental Education Act (NEEA) appropriation to raise public and private matching funds at a ratio of 3:1, creating value and amplifying the impact of our partners