Whether you are a supporter, partner, or just someone who cares deeply for the environment, the entire NEEF team wishes you safety and good health during this extraordinary and difficult time. We would like to extend a special thank you to all healthcare personnel, public service workers, and others in essential positions who are working selflessly to help their fellow humans.
NEEF made the decision the first week of March to move all staff to telework and put a hold on all business-related travel to help limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are fortunate that our organizational structure allows us to communicate and work remotely—including weekly Skype happy hours to keep our spirits up.
As with many of you, our work continues full-steam ahead in spite of the global pandemic. We are busily adapting and publishing resources to help parents, educators, and caretakers support the learning and development of their children in this new reality. We are also working to develop alternate plans for our key programs and initiatives. But perhaps most importantly, we are reminding each other to take care of ourselves and our families, and to embrace the healing powers of nature and the outdoors.
For those of you with children at home, we have created an Environmental Education at Home page with free educational materials and activity guides for children of all ages. We are also working with our partners on tips for spending quality time outdoors regardless of your current situation. We hope you find these resources helpful.
Finally, people living with asthma should note that we have created a page covering special precautions they can take to help protect themselves from the COVID-19 virus.
Though the coronavirus has fundamentally reshaped some aspects of how we live our lives, it has also united us in unexpected ways. You may have noticed an influx of people—neighbors, friends, and strangers alike—taking a few minutes out of their days to relax and recharge in the outdoors. Our hope is that all of us will emerge from this experience with a newfound understanding and concern for the well-being of ourselves, our fellow Americans, and the planet we call home.