National Public Lands Day Proclamations
A proclamation is a letter signed by a government official that declares a particular day in support of an action, cause, or policy. The first proclamation in American history was signed into effect on October 3, 1789 by President George Washington to commemorate the first Day of National Thanksgiving.
As a volunteer, there is no better way to reinforce your commitment to NPLD in your community and bring attention to an NPLD event than to request a ceremonial proclamation. States, cities, and towns can show their support for National Public Lands Day by issuing ceremonial proclamations. Proclamations can be used by site managers to draw additional media attention, to encourage participation, and to add legitimacy to their event.
Here’s How to Request One:
- Begin the process by locating the appropriate state or city government website. You can find your representative here.
- You may find a tab called "Mayor's Page" or "Governor's Page." Also look for "Ceremonial" or "Forms" on the navigation.
- If you do not see any of these, try using the site's Search feature with the word "proclamation." Otherwise, call your local mayor or governor’s office to determine how proclamations are issued.
- You can also try the "Contact Us" link, and submit a brief message asking: How do I ask the governor to issue a proclamation declaring September 23, 2023, National Public Lands Day?
- A staff member will likely reply and email a form to complete. Email the form back for an official signature.
- If no form is available, you can customize NEEF proclamation request template. Customize with your letterhead and signature and mail or email to the mayor's or governor's office.
- Follow up with a phone call just to be sure your request arrived.
- When you have confirmation that the proclamation has been signed, contact local media to suggest a news item, interview or photo with the mayor or governor and affiliate representatives.
- Make sure to thank the staff involved with helping you get the proclamation.
Five Tips to Incorporate a Proclamation into your NPLD Event:
- Put it to use. The proclamation could be used to entice your local newspapers and TV networks to cover your event or spread the word about your event before the big day.
- Expand your reach. Use a variety of marketing platforms to inform the public about your governor’s support, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others.
- Give it a boost. Create an informative and captivating Facebook post about the gubernatorial proclamation to extend the reach of the event.
- Propose a speech. Invite your governor or other local dignitary to make an appearance at your NPLD event and see if they will give an opening speech.
- Keep it handy. Have a few copies of the proclamation at your event for supporters, sponsors, and the general public to see.
Download: NEEF Proclamation Request Template.