Mother and daughter at a table happily working on crafts together
EE at Home
At-Home Upcycle Projects

Celebrate environmental education with these easy upcycle projects.

up·cy·cle: reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of a higher quality or value than the original.

Turn Your Old T-Shirt into Bags

Diagram of how to upcycle a t-shirt

Different ways to create planters using shoes, cans, or milk cartons

Turn Old Items into Planters

Make Cardboard Carton Bird Feeder

A bird feeder made from a milk carton

Milk Carton Bird Feeder
Young girl outdoors with a jump rope

Make a Plastic Jump Rope

Turn Your Old T-Shirt into Coasters

Here is a project for you to reuse old t-shirts by turning them into braided coasters. They are cute and can make a great gift too. 

pictures of how to make a coaster from yarn

Newspaper Kites

Children's hands creating a paper kite