Arturo Garcia-Costas

Arturo Garcia-Costas serves as the Senior Program Officer for the Local, National, and International Environment at The New York Community Trust, where he manages a program focused on climate change, environmental health, and biodiversity conservation. He also oversees The Trust’s New York City environmental grantmaking, and a fund that supports a clean energy transition in Central Appalachia. He brings more than 25 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and at all levels of government to the board. In the early 2000s, Garcia-Costas managed a global initiative to help developing countries implement the Earth Summit treaties for the United Nations Development Programme. During the Clinton Administration, he led an effort by the Environmental Protection Agency to engage with the Latinx community on pressing environmental concerns, and later worked on climate and energy justice issues with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. He also worked in the Mayor’s Office of Operations under David Dinkins on emergency planning and preparedness early in his career. He has earned a Baccalaureate in international affairs and theater from the City University of New York; a Juris Doctor from Stanford Law School, where he focused on international and environmental law; and a Master of Science in urban policy and leadership from Hunter College.