What We Do

Public Campaigns

Reaching the public with a commitment to the environment

Engagement campaigns can demonstrate your organization’s commitment to environmental education and sustainability to fans, visitors, partners, and staff, and positively influence their actions. 92% of consumers say they have a more positive image of a company when the company supports a social or environmental issue.



NEEF employs a “learning by doing” engagement model, and harnesses memorable experiences to motivate individual commitments to positive action for the environment.

Lightbulb with small plant growing inside

Content Development
Creative concepts and researched messaging aligned with your program or initiative
Tablet showing plant. Hand points to tablet.

Compelling, cobranded visual assets that communicate key messages and inspire action
Announcement on a phone that has a like

Outreach & Impact Measurement
We collaborate on the best tools and tactics to reach the audience you want and measure the impact


NEEF is proud to work with trusted partners and messengers- including iHeartRadio, HipHop Public Health, NHL, and the NBA- to develop campaigns that help people learn more about their relationship to the environment and take positive actions that fit into their lives.



iHeart Radio Earth

The award-winning iHeartRadio Earth campaign joins a series of audio Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and a website full of cost-saving tips, useful resources, and simple steps the public can take each day that make a positive impact on the environment—locally and globally.

Number of impressions since 2020
iHeart Radio Earth, together we have the power to change the world

Partnering Towards the Goal

NEEF is proud to partner with the National Hockey League (NHL®) to promote environmental and social...

NBA Green Energy All Stars

NEEF partnered with NBA Green on the NBA Green Energy All-Star engagement campaign to promote greater fan...

Hip Hop and Environmental Nonprofits Drop Beats for Asthma Awareness and Health Education

EMPOWER, a dynamic collaboration between Hip Hop Public Health and the National Environmental Education...

Three trees
Amplify the Environment
Talk To Our Team

Talk to our team about a partnership that can strengthen your voice when it comes to advancing your mission. 

Making a Difference Through Campaigns

Inspiring Americans to Improve Home Energy Performance

NEEF and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) partnered to develop and distribute environmental education materials...

Asthma Awareness Month 2022 with Dr. Wendy Osefo

NEEF teamed up with Dr. Wendy Osefo to raise awareness for pediatric asthma. As the mother of a child with...

Encouraging Proper Curbside Disposal in Washington, DC

NEEF collaborated with EPA on the the Curbside Disposal Education Campaign to educate residents about proper...

Explore our programs