¿Siente calor en nuestras ciudades?
¿Vive usted en un área urbana? Si es así usted puede vivir en una “isla” - no una isla tropical, pero una...
El Zumbido del Cambio Climático
Las poblaciones de abejas de miel en los Estados Unidos agregan más de $15 mil millones en valor a los...
Un río corría a través de él: cómo el cambio climático está afectando a sistemas de ríos en los estados unidos
El cambio climático afecta a la calidad y cantidad de agua en los ríos de Estados Unidos. Los cambios...
Showing 1 - 10 of 32 results
NEEF and the US Forest Service grants help connect veterans with nature so they can heal, transition back to civilian life, and find jobs.
Read the incredible story of how NEEF and DoD Legacy program united the Navy and native Hawaiians in restoring a cherished royal fishpond in Pearl Harbor.
Learn about NEEF’s environmental and health grant application process, such as what to include and what to leave out when writing a successful grant.
Abella Cathey's journey from One Stone School to Boise State University showcases the power of hands-on Greening STEM experiences.
Thanks to a grant from NEEF, the Trail Access Project has expanded its Adaptive Hiking Program to help people with physical disabilities access public lands
NEEF grantee Olmsted Parks Conservancy is installing a pollinator meadow in Chickasaw Park to improve biodiversity and protect against invasive plant species in
In this article, we share how becoming a grant reviewer can give you the edge you need to write more successful grant proposals.
What makes a successful grant? Tips to help nonprofits and community organizations improve their environmental education and conservation grant applications for
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is proud to announce the awardees of the 2022-2023 Forest Service Greening STEM Grant.
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is proud to announce the awardees of this year's NPS-21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
Showing 1 - 10 of 32 results