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Are you tackling a new landscaping project this fall? Sprucing up the outside of your home can boost your property value and, as real estate agents like to say
In 2019, Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), including blue-green algae closed all of Mississippi's beaches. Much of the growth of these harmful algal blooms is
Consuming some fish and shellfish can pose some health risks. How? Seafood may accumulate illness-causing microorganisms and contaminants, including elevated
Celebrate National Fishing and Boating Week with quality time in nature. Use these outdoor safety tips to enjoy your water-based recreation.
Over 50% of the US lives near coasts. Groundwater, vital for public water supply, faces risks from climate change, sea level rise, and overuse. Learn more about
May is American Wetlands Month, a chance to recognize and celebrate the ways in which wetlands enrich both the environment and human communities. Learn more
Teach your students the importance of watersheds with the Watershed Sleuth Challenge, a gamified research project for American Wetlands Month. Engage them in
Think you're not connected to coastal wetlands? Think again! Whether or not you're one of the 123.3 million people (39% of the US population) living in US
The US is no stranger to hurricanes and intense storms—over the past few years, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria have left thousands of people dead in their
Squids, cuttlefish, octopi—these sea creatures, known as cephalopods, are famous for their association with sea monsters, their supposed intelligence, and as