Five Faunal Forecasters: Can Animals Predict the Weather?
Here are five animals that are known for their weather wisdom. Some of these proverbs are true, while others...
See Stars This Winter Using Citizen Science
Discover citizen science projects and free curriculum to help kids learn about the night sky. February 3 marks...
Environmental Education Activities to Keep Your Students Engaged This Winter
Environmental educators need to find unique ways to keep their students engaged with the material outside of...
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Now in its fourth year, Climate Superstars is an online environmental challenge that gets kids excited about how they can take an active role in caring for the
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) recently partnered with Samsung and the EPA's ENERGY STAR® program to present the 2019 Climate
Last month, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) partnered with Samsung and the EPA’s ENERGY STAR® program to present the 2019 Climate
While energy can be a complicated topic, kids need to understand the concept of energy, how it works, and the role it plays in the world around them. Tap into
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