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Los granos de polen son usados por las plantas para la fertilización y reproducción, pero en los seres humanos, el polen puede causar problemas respiratorios
After earning her bachelor of science degree in meteorology from Penn State, Cheryl Nelson went on to work as a meteorologist for local markets including
Drought conditions send wildlife in search of food, water and cover—which means some animals travel farther than usual and into more developed areas, increasing
La próxima vez que llueva, observe cómo fluye el agua una vez que toca el suelo. Si usted es uno de los 80.7% de los estadounidenses que viven en zonas urbanas
After graduating from Florida State University in 2005 with a bachelor's of science degree in meteorology and minors in math and communications, Denise Isaac
Explore the alarming decline of Arctic sea ice and its impacts on climate and wildlife. Learn how you can reduce your carbon footprint to help mitigate this
Mientras la temperatura de las aguas oceánicas se calienta, la distribución de muchas especies marinas – incluyendo esas en que dependemos para alimentarnos –
As temperatures drop and autumn arrives, you may notice that some algal blooms aren’t fading away with summer. During warmer months, the water in still bodies
While energy can be a complicated topic, kids need to understand the concept of energy, how it works, and the role it plays in the world around them. Tap into
Discover the impact of climate change on US agriculture, from crop yield reductions to increased weed prevalence. Learn how to adapt and mitigate its effects.