Five Faunal Forecasters: Can Animals Predict the Weather?
Here are five animals that are known for their weather wisdom. Some of these proverbs are true, while others...
See Stars This Winter Using Citizen Science
Discover citizen science projects and free curriculum to help kids learn about the night sky. February 3 marks...
Environmental Education Activities to Keep Your Students Engaged This Winter
Environmental educators need to find unique ways to keep their students engaged with the material outside of...
Showing 11 - 20 of 26 results
¿Sabías? Los administradores del agua en 40 estados anticipan escasez de agua en alguna parte de sus estados en los próximos 10 años. El consumo de agua a
¿Sabías? Los bienes y servicios proporcionados por los arrecifes de coral en Hawai se estima que atrae aproximadamente $ 385 millones cada año. Las pérdidas de
¿Sabías? 40% de la energía hidroeléctrica de los Estados Unidos se genera en el noroeste. Las montañas de California alcanzaron su nivel más bajo en la capa de
Erosion along the US oceanic coasts is expected to increase in a changing climate due to an increase in sea level rise, heavy precipitation events, flooding
The average American family can waste more than 10,000 gallons of water every year from easy-to-fix household leaks. That's the amount of water it takes to wash
Learn about the fascinating journey of snowflakes from cloud to ground. Discover how varying temperatures and conditions shape snowflakes and affect winter
¿Sabías qué…? La tasa actual de cambio en pH del océano es casi 50 veces más rápido que tasas históricas de cambio conocidas. Científicos estiman que a la tasa
¿Sabías qué? Desde 1880, el nivel global del mar ha aumentado cerca de 8 pulgadas. Los científicos esperan que el nivel global del mar aumente entre 1 a 4 pies
Imagine an animal about the size of three school buses parked end-to-end, with a weight roughly equivalent to 40 elephants, migrating south for the winter. This
Drought conditions send wildlife in search of food, water and cover—which means some animals travel farther than usual and into more developed areas, increasing
Showing 11 - 20 of 26 results